The Pristine Story: Heads Down Through the Holidays

Pristine is growing into a bonafide company. We're now actively executing, refining, and strategizing across most common business fronts: piloting at UC Irvine Medical Center, managing a substantial sales pipeline, executing on a marketing and PR plan, raising capital, refining the products, and establishing internal infrastructure and processes as the team grows. Speaking of which...
...Our team continues to grow. We have 9 full time employees now, and a few part timers. Buzz began full time on November 1st as our VP of Sales. In his prior life, Buzz built the nation's largest non-state based health information exchange spanning more than 300 hospitals and 14,000 doctors. We've also hired two more full time developers - Derrick Hinkle and Devin Fee. Derrick has a strong background in real time web communications and experience with our technology stack. Devin is one of the most talented dev ops guys in Austin, and brings a healthy dose of entrepreneurial experience to the team. He founded and ran a startup for a year prior to joining Pristine.
Although we're not actively hiring developers today, we continue to passively search for them. If any exceptional developers find us, we'll figure out a way to make it work. Devin actually joined this way. If you or any friends are interested, feel free to apply at
We're also looking for qualified candidates who can lead a wave of upcoming Pristine deployments. Since we don't have the scale to segment job functions to different people, we're looking for someone who's well rounded that is reasonably technical, that can train, and that can support our early clients.
Since DEMO, we've raised an additional few hundred thousand dollars from a host of angels. If you or anyone you know would like to invest, please contact me privately.
We've been trying to maintain a steady presence with the media. I was recently on with news anchor Taylor Baldwin in San Diego, and another segment on KEYE in Austin (we're in the 3rd segment in this link). We've also been working with some major national publications and analysts to help educate them about the opportunities for Glass in the OR and healthcare more broadly. We'll continue to pepper the media for the foreseeable future.
We attended FutureMed in San Diego, which was quite possibly the best conference I've ever been to. I wrote about it on HIStalk. We also just got back from the Digital Health Conference in NYC. And I just finished pitching at Hatch Patch in Houston, where Pristine won. Looking forwards, I'll be attending the mHealth Summit in Washington, DC Dec 8th - 11th (please let me know if you'll be there and we can catch up), and Buzz and I will be travelling to medical centers all over the country throughout December.
We're working on a couple of strategic partnerships that we're planning to announce by the end of the year. Although we can't go into any details yet, we believe that these deals will really accelerate our growth going into 2014. Stay tuned.
And to wrap things up, here are some blog posts for your enjoyment. I was recently picked up by Svbtle, an online magazine that provides industry experts an avenue to publicly discuss their respective industries. Buzz and I are working on some deep analytical dives into the state of health IT and health delivery. We can't wait to share those with everyone when they're ready.
PS, I'm going to be reducing the frequency of the Pristine Story to once every 4 - 6 weeks. As the company grows, it will be more pertinent to space things out.