MBAx is What College Should Be - Free and Career Oriented

MBAx is one of those ideas we're going to look back on in 10 years and think to ourselves "duh, why didn't I think of that?" It's perfect in so many ways.

So what does MBAx do? MBAx doesn't create any educational content. They don't do large-scale data analytics like Newton, and they don't create their own educational content like Coursera. They don't sell anything. They curate courses from other esteemed educational resources such as MIT Open Courseware, and organize it by professional discipline. MBAx's CEO describes it well. For example, the sales section lists some of the major sales skills - lead generation, cold calling, using CRMs, negotiating, and closing - and provides links to free high quality courses in each of those areas.

MBAx is invaluable. I'm perusing through 1 lesson per week, just to sharpen up some of my skills. I've always wanted to learn basic photoshop so that I can mock up user interfaces and screen layouts with greater graphical fidelity. I strongly recommend it to anyone looking to learn real world applicable white collar skills.

MBAx is a solution for the hundreds of thousands of recent undergraduates that cannot find work. Most of them, including many of my friends at NYU who spent a fortune on their educations, learned a great deal about liberal arts majors that most employers don't value, such as political science and psychology. Unfortunately, most modern undergraduate programs don't teach students the skills to succeed in the real world. Here's to hoping that MBAx can change that.